It’s 2020 and visitors cannot pay for their villa, hire car and tours online. Locals cannot pay for shopping online.

When we started Barbados Property Search in 2012, one of our goals was to 'mine' the data from listed properties, primarily to offer the type of analysis that had not historically been shared with the property-buying public.

There’s an old saying; “cheap thing no good, good thing no cheap"


For the sake of your sanity, hire a professional!!


Every few months, I’m asked to help a panicked domain owner rescue / revive / renew their website address, and it’s typically a time-consuming, frustrating process. 



Are you receiving the 'Blocked loading mixed active content' error when trying to play a video (YouTube or otherwise) through Lightbox?

How to use jQuery to clear (and reinstate if necessary) default values in a Drupal 7 webform in 5 easy steps.

1. Create the file 'clear-defaults.js' and place it into the js directory of your theme (attached below, rename to clear-defaults.js).

We recently delivered a project making extensive use of the Drupal Feeds module. While an excellent and hugely time-saving module, it didn't appear to be cleaning up after itself with regard to duplicate files.

So you have setup your feed importers using the excellent Drupal Feeds module, figured out how to upload multiple images in a field using the Fields Tamper module, scheduled the imports, perhaps eve

Drupal has its lovely image manipulation tools allowing you to create all the designs and thumbnails you need from one source image via it's Media Styles/Imagecache module.

! NOTICE ! Facebook have depreciated their old SDK that powered the Drupal for Facebook functionality discussed in this post, so at present, this will not work. We will be updating the how-to shortly to take account of the new API and with a Drupal 7 example ! NOTICE !